
Findmoreafrica portals have been published since 2022 and have their regular readers. From the beginning of our publication, we inform about events from the world of gambling business in Africa, Europe and the rest of the world.

In each portal, you can place advertising in the form of banners and sponsored articles linked to advertised websites. The condition of placing sponsored posts is that they do not encourage criminal activities and do not violate the commonly understood principle of n-etiquette.

The cost of placing a banner on FindMoreAfrica brand portals is € 300 per month. Technical conditions of banners placed:
– sizes – 300 x 300, 250 x 250, 300 x 350, 720 x 90 pxl
– weight – the banner should not be heavier than 150 kb
– format – jpg, jpeg, tiff, png, gif

To be posted, the banner should be sent to the Editor in advance for verification.

Placement of sponsored posts is € 30 for one post on our portal. The post should be prepared in the language in which the portal is run and contain graphics to be placed together with the post. Sponsored posts will not contain information about their commercial nature. The articles can contain links to any website. Articles are prepared by the advertiser as well as graphics.

Advertising on Findmoreafrica portals or Magazine Findmoreafrica
is only possible by paying for the advertising service
BEFORE placing the advertisement.

Payments can be made via: Crypto, or Bank Transfer. The payment for the advertisement is also possible by transfer to the bank account given on the invoice issued, however, it extends the placement of the advertisement until the funds reach the bank account.

We invite our advertisers to take advantage of the opportunity to promote their products and companies on Findmoreafrica brand portals, in the case of orders of the “advertising campaign” type, please contact to us directly –

Advertising on findmoreafrica is simply the best...
