Post coronavirus era will bring a new dimension to the gambling sector in sub-Saharan Africa it will burn out a new breed of opportunity for sportsbook operators as well as the numbers of the partnership will be on the high demand.
Sub-Saharan Africa region of 46 member state, it is the home to the world largest youth population with eight of the world’s top 10 countries and with the youngest people currently being in (SSA). By 2050 the region will be home to all. For the first time in 25 years, sub-Saharan Africa is about to go into recession, according to World Bank estimates.
The economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to fall sharply in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic outbreak that will cost the region between $37 billion and $79 billion output losses for 2020 due to the combined effects including trade disruption and reduced remittance, tourism and foreign aid. Perhaps most countries in the region will experience a decline in growth ‘real gross domestic product. Hence due to the pandemic, it is estimated around 20 million jobs, in formal and informal sectors are under threat.

The United Nations puts the figure much higher at up to 50 million people we be unemployed with a value of 70% of the people that will be affected will be youths based on the vast numbers of young people living in the region. Hence with an estimated million of people to lose their jobs due to covid-19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Coupled with billions of people quarantined in their homes, stress isolation will see a new set of people develop the habit of gambling. Perhaps with most of the millions of workers that are estimated to lose their jobs, most of them will consider other sources of making money which will lead them to gamble. It’s poised the numbers of bettors will increase in sub-Saharan Africa, which is known to be the home of youths in the world. Hence such a precarious situation where a lot of youth will become jobless will create a large window of opportunities for gambling firms in the region.
Post-coronavirus era will see a lot of sportsbook operators going into a strategic partnership with other stakeholders in the gambling industry after which the effect of the covid-19 pandemic outbreak. That has seen major sporting activities suspended for most parts of the months, coupled with restrictions of movement. Hence much of the brands will still be recovering from the effect when coronavirus ravage sports betting business model.

Perhaps most of the sportsbook operators experience drastically decline in sales. At the same time, some brand were unfortunate to find themselves in a country where online gambling is not legal. Such brands in such a situation are in a precarious position; post coronavirus era will see some brands that couldn’t meet up with the wage bill of their staff any longer. In some brands we look into the department where humans might not be needed; much technology could be deployed. Post coronavirus era will see sportsbook operators will be considering IT service partnership. For example, customer care department brands could reduce the numbers of staff in such department to reduce its wage bill where there will instead consider technology to fill up such department to reduce their wage bill.
Post coronavirus era will change the overall gambling space, especially since most of the brands are going digital with their services. We might see substantial numbers of workers reduced in the gambling industry and increasing numbers of bettors post coronavirus era in sub-Saharan Africa. The partnership will become more prevalent in the gambling industry more than ever before, especially in emerging markets like ours. Through the partnership, operators have been able to deliver a successful gaming experience even before the effect of the pandemic we will see more in post coronavirus era.