HomeWestern AfricaIvory CoastIvory Coast Senators Unitedly Approves Games of Chance Bill

Ivory Coast Senators Unitedly Approves Games of Chance Bill

Adama Coulibaly, the Minister of Economy and Finance, presented the bill for the legal regulation of games of chance in Ivory Coast to the Senators of the Economic and Financial Affairs Commission (Caef) in Yamoussoukro. The bill received overwhelming support, with 15 out of 16 Senators present voting in favor of its adoption. Prior to the vote, Coulibaly emphasized the need for updated legislation to address the changing landscape of the gaming industry, driven by technological advancements and evolving player demographics.

Coulibaly highlighted that the current legal framework for games of chance in Ivory Coast, established in 1970, is outdated and no longer capable of effectively addressing the challenges posed by the digital age and the emergence of new forms of gambling.

He cited examples of other countries, such as France, Morocco, and Cameroon, which have successfully regulated games of chance through legislation. Coulibaly acknowledged the significant contribution of the gaming sector to the Ivorian economy, including its role in generating revenue for the state budget and financing social projects.

Impact of Illicit Gambling:

The Minister also emphasized the negative consequences of the proliferation of illicit and clandestine gambling activities in Ivory Coast. He revealed that unauthorized online sports betting websites, estimated to exceed 500, generate an annual turnover of six billion CFA francs, resulting in a tax loss of 180 million CFA francs for the state. Additionally, an illicit game known as “Ghanaian Loto” operates on Ivorian territory, with an annual turnover of over 36 billion CFA francs, leading to a tax shortfall of approximately 1.08 billion CFA francs. Chinese nationals were found to be running 300 unauthorized slot machines, causing an annual revenue of around 1.42 billion CFA francs and a tax loss of 42.5 million CFA francs.

Importance of the Bill:

Coulibaly stressed that the proposed bill is crucial for establishing a new legal and institutional framework that addresses the challenges and risks associated with the gaming industry. He emphasized the government’s commitment to strengthening control measures against unscrupulous operators and protecting vulnerable populations, particularly minors, from gambling addiction. The bill includes the establishment of a gaming regulatory authority and aligns with international best practices and governance standards.

Adama Coulibaly’s comprehensive presentation and persuasive arguments convinced the Senators of the CAEF, who unanimously approved the bill establishing the legal regime for games of chance. The adoption of this bill is expected to provide a robust framework that ensures responsible gaming practices, protects the population, and safeguards the interests of the Ivorian economy.

Aniedi Ekwere
Aniedi Ekwere
Author/Consultant Find More Africa/AA Advisory, We provide betting reviews, thought leadership articles in the emerging markets, business development on products/ platforms in Africa with solid networking relationships with gaming operators in Africa, and Expertise in PR and marketing communication, and iGaming Consulting Services.

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