HomeEastern africaEthiopiaArifpay Announce Integration with EthSwitch

Arifpay Announce Integration with EthSwitch

Arifpay, a leading Payment System Operator (PSO) in Ethiopia, has announced its integration with EthSwitch, the National Payment Switch of Ethiopia, in a move that marks a major milestone in the country’s payment industry.

This partnership is set to bring numerous benefits to customers, merchants, and banks, and will drive financial inclusion and optimize payment systems in Ethiopia.

“With the introduction of interoperable #arifpos smart devices, consumers in Ethiopia will have more options for everyday payments and will no longer be limited to using their debit cards only at ATMs.”

Mr. Bernard Laurendeau (ቤርናር – ベルナルド), CEO of Arifpay.

Mr. Yilebes Addis, CEO of EthSwitch, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership by stating,

“EthSwitch is proud to be at the forefront of initiatives that promote financial inclusion in Ethiopia, and we are excited to support the integration of Arifpay with EthSwitch.”

Aniedi Ekwere
Aniedi Ekwere
Author/Consultant Find More Africa/AA Advisory, We provide betting reviews, thought leadership articles in the emerging markets, business development on products/ platforms in Africa with solid networking relationships with gaming operators in Africa, and Expertise in PR and marketing communication, and iGaming Consulting Services.

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