HomeNewsClash Erupts at Oke Odo Market in Lagos State over Unpaid Betting...

Clash Erupts at Oke Odo Market in Lagos State over Unpaid Betting Winnings

Lagos , Nigeria – A violent clash broke out at the Oke Odo Market in Lagos State, allegedly triggered by the refusal of a betting agent to pay out winnings to a disgruntled gambler. The confrontation began on Wednesday night and continued into Thursday morning, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

According to witnesses, the clash involved hoodlums residing in shanties adjacent to the market, who brandished weapons during the altercation with the traders. Several shops were set ablaze, and the goods of numerous traders were destroyed during the commotion.

Efforts by the police to intervene early on were met with resistance from the hoodlums. Even a fire service truck dispatched to the scene was forced to retreat after being pelted with stones.

The incident was reportedly sparked by a dispute over unpaid winnings between a trader in the market and the betting agent. The trader had placed a bet and subsequently claimed that he did not receive the full amount he had won. Enraged by this, he rallied his colleagues, resulting in a violent confrontation.

Eyewitnesses described the chaos that ensued, with the two factions involved in the clash engaging in a destructive rampage, targeting each other’s shops and merchandise.

The financial losses incurred by the traders are estimated to be worth millions of naira. In addition to the destruction, some of the hoodlums took advantage of the chaos to loot shops.

Affected traders were seen assessing their losses. One distraught trader lamented the damage to her stock of tomatoes, onions, and other condiments, while another mourned the destruction of newly purchased bags of corn.

Traders claim to have previously alerted the authorities to the activities of the hoodlums, particularly those occupying the adjacent shanties, but no action was taken. They hope that this incident will prompt the police to address the ongoing security threat posed by these troublemakers.

In response to the clash, the Lagos State Police Command has assured the public that normalcy has been restored in the area. Over 50 suspects have been arrested, and the shanties they occupied have been demolished, effectively dispersing them.

The Commissioner of Police, CP Adegoke Fayoade, has emphasized that those responsible for breaching the peace will face decisive legal action. The police have deployed the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Operations), the Area Commander Alagbado, and other Divisional Police Officers to maintain law and order and prevent any further disruptions.

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