HomeNewsVirtual Betting: Player's Role & Company's Stand - Betika

Virtual Betting: Player’s Role & Company’s Stand – Betika

In a recent development in the world of virtual betting, we examine a noteworthy case involving a virtual bet and the use of the auto-play feature.

This story sheds light on player responsibilities and the position taken by the gaming company involved.

The Virtual Bet

On October 16, 2023, a player by the name of Nelson Kipkogei Melly, also known as “Your Client,” placed a virtual bet with an impressive stake of Kshs 113,712.00.

This high-stakes bet was made using account number 254705089850, and fortune favored Your Client.

He struck gold, winning Kshs 477,590 at 08:56 am, and the winnings were promptly credited to his Betika wallet.

Auto-Play Feature

Following his big win, Your Client decided to explore the auto-play feature. This feature allows players to set the number of rounds they wish to play and their desired stake.

It’s an active choice, signifying a player’s engagement and understanding of the game’s mechanics.

Moreover, auto-play comes with a stop-loss feature, which encourages responsible gaming by enabling players to set limits for potential losses.

Your Client opted to play 20 rounds with a Kshs 20,000 stake per round on the game “Aviator.”

This amounted to a cumulative stake of Kshs 400,000.00. This decision was made between 08:58 am and 09:01 am.

Virtual Betting: Player's Role & Company's Stand - Betika

Withdrawals and Account Activity

At 09:01 am, at the end of the auto-play rounds, Your Client withdrew Kshs 70,000.00.

Shortly after, at 09:03 am, he made another withdrawal of Kshs 7,500.00 from his Betika wallet to his Mpesa account.

These actions clearly demonstrate that Your Client was actively managing his account, aware of his balance, and in control of his funds.

Player Responsibilities and Account Security

The gaming company’s General Terms and Conditions, specifically in clause 1, underscore that a customer is responsible for all bets placed on their account.

This crucial clause emphasizes the player’s accountability in managing their gaming activities.

Company’s Stance

In light of these events, the gaming company maintains that Your Client fully utilized his winnings of Kshs 477,500.00 as indicated above.

Consequently, no further winnings are due or payable to Your Client. The company asserts that Your Client was well-informed about the game’s mechanics and his account activity, as communicated during a telephone call with a customer care agent on October 16, 2023.

The company also reserves its legal rights in this matter and is prepared to defend any suit at Your Client’s risk, including costs and other incidental expenses.

This news article provides a glimpse into the responsibilities of players in the realm of virtual betting and the available features.

It underscores the importance of understanding these aspects for responsible gaming.

Aniedi Ekwere
Aniedi Ekwere
Author/Consultant Find More Africa/AA Advisory, We provide betting reviews, thought leadership articles in the emerging markets, business development on products/ platforms in Africa with solid networking relationships with gaming operators in Africa, and Expertise in PR and marketing communication, and iGaming Consulting Services.

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