Home Eastern africa Ethiopia Addis Ababa cracks down on Illegal Sports Betting Shops

Addis Ababa cracks down on Illegal Sports Betting Shops


Authorities in Addis Ababa have taken decisive action against 86 sports betting shops operating within the Addis Ketema District, citing their involvement in illegal activities. Addis Ababa Police have identified these establishments as potential hubs for criminal behavior, contributing to the rise in crime rates.

Chief Inspector Paulos Demsey, head of the community police service division within the district police department, revealed that the crackdown was prompted by violent incidents reported at these betting shops. Speaking to the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Paulos emphasized that the police had taken swift action against these establishments.

Investigations revealed that the affected sports betting shops were operating outside the jurisdiction of the district where their licenses were issued. Furthermore, they were found to be engaging in the sector without the necessary business licenses. Paulos affirmed that the authorities would continue their efforts to address unlawful activities associated with these establishments.

This recent crackdown follows a previous significant operation conducted in the capital. In December 2022, the National Lottery Administration closed down 20 sports betting shops that were found to be illegally facilitating bets on unauthorized virtual games.

The actions taken by the authorities underline their commitment to maintaining law and order within the sports betting industry. By cracking down on illegal activities, they aim to safeguard the interests of the public and ensure the sector operates within legal boundaries.

The authorities’ efforts to combat illegal sports betting serve as a reminder to operators to adhere to regulations and obtain the necessary licenses. It is crucial for the industry to operate transparently and responsibly, promoting a fair and secure environment for enthusiasts while deterring criminal elements.



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