Home Fin-Tech Private Telco, Safaricom Launches Mobile Money Service

Private Telco, Safaricom Launches Mobile Money Service


Today, Safaricom Ethiopia takes a significant leap forward as it officially launches its M-Pesa mobile money service within the country.

This milestone follows Safaricom Ethiopia’s acquisition of the Payment Instrument Issuer License from the central bank just three months ago

—an empowering development that granted them the ability to offer mobile money services.

The introduction of the M-Pesa service is particularly noteworthy, strategically timed to maximize its impact.

In the lead-up to this momentous launch, Safaricom Ethiopia proactively promotes the M-Pesa service across the nation.

Over the past few weeks, shops and supermarkets across the country prominently display promotional logos and materials associated with the new mobile money offering.

This comprehensive visibility campaign is meticulously designed to raise awareness and build anticipation among the general population.

Private Telco, Safaricom Launches Mobile Money Service

Central to the success of this rollout is the seamless integration of Safaricom Ethiopia’s mobile money services with nine commercial banks operating across the country.

This harmonious collaboration aims to ensure an effortless and efficient mobile money experience for users.

A particularly notable partnership within this expansive initiative is with Hibret Bank, an announcement made two weeks prior to the official launch.

Under this collaborative arrangement, all 475 branches of Hibret Bank assume the role of super-agents for M-Pesa services.

In this capacity, these bank branches are empowered to manage various M-Pesa operations, ranging from registration to deposit mobilization and cash withdrawals.

This strategic partnership stands as a clear testament to the shared commitment of both Safaricom Ethiopia and

Hibret Bank to enhance financial inclusion and bolster accessibility to mobile money services throughout the entire country.

The integration of M-Pesa services across multiple banks and the engagement of influential partners like:

Hibret Bank underscore Safaricom Ethiopia’s unwavering dedication to establishing a resilient and all-encompassing mobile money ecosystem within the Ethiopian market.

The launch of the M-Pesa service is poised to usher in transformative changes, revolutionizing how people manage their finances and carry out transactions throughout the nation.



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