Home Southern Africa Botswana Responsible Gambling Awareness – Gambling Authority visited Primary School

Responsible Gambling Awareness – Gambling Authority visited Primary School


In a recent outreach effort, the Gambling Authority visited Kolonkwaneng Primary School to engage with teachers and discuss the various services available to support responsible gambling practices in the community.

One of the key topics highlighted during the discussion was the Gambling Authority’s Responsible Gambling Self-Help Portal. This online resource provides a range of tools and assistance for children whose parents are struggling with problem gambling.

The portal offers guidance on gambling exclusions, which allow children and other family members to apply for a third-party exclusion if a loved one’s gambling problem is negatively impacting them.

“Promoting responsible gambling practices and protecting vulnerable individuals from harm is of utmost importance to us,” said a representative from the Gambling Authority. “The gambling exclusion measure is an essential proactive step in ensuring the well-being of those affected by problem gambling within families.”

In addition to the self-help portal, the Gambling Authority also emphasized the availability of counseling services for those in need of support and guidance. The authority employs trained professionals who can provide assistance and help individuals navigate through their struggles with problem gambling.

By collaborating with schools and communities, the Gambling Authority aims to create a safer and healthier environment for all individuals involved in gambling activities.

This outreach initiative is part of the authority’s ongoing efforts to promote responsible gambling and address the challenges faced by those affected by problem gambling.



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